Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chapter Share

Share one of the chapters or topics you have decided to read and outline--please include the following:
Why you decided on this chapter or topic Your goals regarding this topic/skill/or technique
Any AHAs or main points that you found of interest
Please click on comments to share your ideas

Shift Happens

Post your thoughts and feelings on how this information impacts how we need to educate students to prepare them for this new globalized world

The Game Has Changed

Chapter 1

The Game Has Changed

"It is the learners who will inherit the future; the "so-called learned'" who think they "know it all" will find themselves frustrated by a world that has passed them by."

After reading Chapter One from the text please respond to the following reflections and reactions.
What is the role of schools today and how are the roles of teachers changing?
What are your feelings about the topics presented in this chapter?
What are some practical applications for what you're learning?
What do you want to remember about this chapter?

Click on comments to leave your response