Monday, April 12, 2010

What do teachers make?

A must-see for all teachers or anyone who would tease them for how little they make.


  1. Great video. I too make a difference. If only the rest of the world could see this video. We didn't go into this profession for the almighty dollar, although we do have one of the most important jobs in the world - educating our future. Do we deserve more money of course, but we get benefits far beyond a paycheck. If we didn't we wouldn't stay in the classroom.

  2. I liked the video. I like to say I make a difference in the lives of my students, but getting everyone else to understand that who is not a teacher is another story. I certainly didn't go into this profession for the money. I went into this profession because I love kids. I love teaching them and watching them understand something for the first time. I feel I have the most powerful job, teaching our future! I would love to receive more money for what I do, but I love what I do and have fun doing it anyway. :)

  3. The speaker sure is passionate! His message was dead on...unfortunately his delivery was a little harsh to me. No one is in teaching for the money but you must realize that if teachers were paid considerably more, many people who shouldn't be teachers would consider it for a profession. It is certainly a balance.
